git server web

不難想像,GitWeb 可以使用任何相容 CGI 的網頁服務來運行;如果偏向使用其他 web 伺服器,配置也不會很麻煩。現在,通過 http://gitserver 就可以線上訪問倉庫了,在 http://git.server 上還可以通過 HTTP ...

相關軟體 TortoiseGit 下載

TortoiseGit is a Windows Shell Interface to Git and based on TortoiseSVN. TortoiseGit is not an integration for a specific IDE such as Visual Studio, or Eclipse for instance, rather you can use it wit...

了解更多 »

  • If you want to check out what GitWeb would look like for your project, Git comes with a co...
    4.7 Git on the Server - GitWeb
  • Open Bonobo Git Server is an open-source project as it is licensed with a MIT License. The...
    Bonobo Git Server - Official Site
  • 到這個步驟,在開發者與 Git Server 上已經都有一份一模一樣的 Git repository 再來測試 Git push 來證明執行正常 於開發者環境端進行測試開發 a.t...
    CentOS 安裝 Git Server 共享 repository 達到多人開發環境 | ...
  • 不難想像,GitWeb 可以使用任何相容 CGI 的網頁服務來運行;如果偏向使用其他 web 伺服器,配置也不會很麻煩。現在,通過 http://gitserver 就可以線上訪問...
    Git - GitWeb
  • is a best practice way to run a local git server? I realize this may be against the standa...
    Git Server Like GitHub? - Stack Overflow
  • Repository creation, user management and active directory integration becomes trivial task...
    GitStack - Official Site
  • Git is a very popular open source version control system. Many developers use Git on a des...
    Give your Git Repository an Open Source Web Interface | ...
  • This document is from 2006. A lot has happened since then, and this document is now releva...
    How to setup Git server over http - The Linux Kernel ...
  • Git is a peer-to-peer system, so you don’t really need a server, but if you are developing...
    Install Your Own Git Server » Linux Magazine
  • git update-server-info 輸入完再輸入 touch daemon-export-ok 如下圖 步驟10.為了要讓遠端的電腦可以到這台主機下載最新版本,所以必須為...
    前端工程日誌: windows架git server的安裝流程紀錄